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Saturday, November 3, 2007


After a bit of thinking, I asked myself why did I just do I mean, it's pretty egotistical of me to do such a thing. So I checked if I could switch to
To my dismay, it was taken, so I decided to check it out.

I wish people like the person who made didn't exist. Seriously. It's probably the remains of some loser 14 year old wanting to voice his idiocy just to look back at it in a narcissistic fashion. So, how is he different from me? He's not getting paid to have people stare at his blog and it's not just some stupid pipe dream. Second, I want more than my little clique of friends to be looking at this. I intend to try and actually make my voice somewhat heard. I should be able to get a couple affiliations which could help boost my "popularity."

I could've resorted to wrath-invoked swearing but I decided against it.

edit: Just tried "thirdopinion" despite how absolutely pitiful "The third opinion" sounds. Apparently even THAT's taken and this time, THERE'S NOTHING THERE...

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